
活動中,學生們首先了解了micro:bit 的基本功能與應用,包括如何使用其內建的感測器和顯示器進行簡單的互動。隨後,在同仁引導下,進行了兩題的實作練習,從LED燈光控制及發送訊號到更複雜的機器人避障行走,逐步提升同學編程技巧與問題解決能力。

On August 6, 2024, the Maker Space hosted the ““Future Artisans: High School Workshop| Introduction to micro:bit
and Hands-on Practice.” The workshop provided students with foundational knowledge about micro:bit
through explanations by staff, combined with hands-on exercises designed to help them develop programming logic and explore programming language concepts.

During the event, students first learned about the basic functions and applications of micro:bit
, including how to use its built-in sensors and display for simple interactions. Subsequently, guided by the staff, they engaged in two practical exercises: controlling LED lights and sending signals, followed by a more complex task of programming a robot to navigate obstacles. These activities progressively enhanced the students’ programming skills and problem-solving abilities.


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