創客空間於2024/03/29辦理【壓克力小夜燈工作坊】,以創客空間雷射切割機常用耗材 – 透明壓克力作為起點,搭配LED燈座製作出客製化夜燈。過程中,部分學員利用現有的圖像或照片檔案出發,以Illustrator影像描圖的功能將圖案草稿製作,而後再手動精修調整多餘的線段;另一部分則以Recraft AI 來協助生成創作。


The Maker space hosted a “Acrylic Night Light Workshop” on March 29, 2024.  Participants used transparent acrylic which are commonly materials with the laser engraver to create customized night lights, paired with LED bases. During the process, some participants started with image or photo files they picked, using the image tracing feature in Illustrator to create rough drafts of their designs, and then manually refined and adjusted any unnecessary line segments; While others created with Recraft AI to assist in their design.

Check out the recap of the workshop in the link below👇, to see if you can spot yourself  in the video or just have a look on their cool design!


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