本次工作坊講師安排一系列扎實的課程活動,從對於Vtuber與動捕設備的基礎背景知識、發展與應用、VRiod 3D建模到動捕衣的實際穿戴體驗,不僅加深了參與者在Vtuber以及動捕設備領域中的認識,同時也透過實際穿戴、操作 製作知名科幻電影《阿凡達》(Avatar)同款的Xsense動作捕捉系統,將自己所製作的人偶實際測試呈現。



The instructor organized a series of activities, covering foundational background knowledge on Vtubers and motion capture devices, their development and applications, as well as hands-on experiences with VRoid 3D modeling and wearing motion capture suits. This not only deepened participants’ understanding in the fields of Vtubing and motion capture devices but also provided practical experiences in wearing and operating the Xsens motion capture system, known for its use in the production of the renowned sci-fi film “Avatar.” Participants had the opportunity to test and show their avatars created on their own.

The Vtuber workshop has successfully concluded, and we appreciate everyone’s participation.

The maker space will be holding workshops continuously in the future.
Please stay tuned for updates on the official website for future workshop announcements.

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